Monday, June 9, 2014

Starting to look like a tiki bar

Sunday June 8th. Joe and Sjeila came up to the cabin to help with the tiki bar. Sjeila more to scope out the big door facing the lake she is going to paint a mural of the tiki guy on. Joe to help me trim the hole and put the reed and thatch on.

So, first things first, what kind of beer did you bring up Joe? Ahhh, that's better!

So, we get the tools out. Stretch the ol' extension cord out, which probably has a whole roll of black electrical tape on it covering the cracks and bare wire....and start measuring. We actually did OK cutting the trim. I was pleasantly surprised. And nobody got electrocuted.

Then we started to put up the roll of reed on the outside wall. To give it that Gilligan's Island look. So the Skipper and his little buddy (who happens to be 6' 9"....) start to roll this stuff along the wall. While Ginger and Mary Ann sit in lawn chairs offering advice. Doing ok until we get to the hole where the bar is. Should have waited to put the trim up until after the reed was on the wall because the trim sticks out a little to match the thickness of the reed. Fricken fracken f......oh well, we just have to deal with it. We manage to get the reed attached, of course, with all the excellent advice from Ginger and Mary Ann......

I suppose we better have a beer before getting the sawsall out to cut the bar opening in the reed. We cut the bottom with no problem. The top, however....Mary Ann says don't do it. Skipper says it will work. Hmmm, didn't work, Mary Ann has a stupid smirk on her face. Skipper says, that's what the trim is for.

We then started attaching the thatch on the roof. Somebody has to climb up there....Little Buddy! The roof actually looks small with him up there! Ok, stop making a grass skirt out of it and let's get busy....

It needs 3 rows, we have 2 good rolls. The third?...not so good, pieces of left over stuff from the old tiki roof from home. A little too old and in rough shape. The tiki budget just got a little higher, have to order another roll. We'll drink cheaper beer next weekend....

Getting closer! 1/2 way there?...

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